Horizon 2020 - BIOCYCLE Project:
BIOlogical therapy CYCLEs towards tailored, needs-driven, safer and cost-effective management of Crohn’s Disease
- Congress special: Call for similar cases – ECCO CONFER Round 2
- BIOCYCLE Research Project selected for EU Horizon 2020 funding
- This project receives funding from the "European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme" under grant agreement No 633168 — BIOCYCLE (PHC-13-2014).
- Focus on treatment de-escalation in patients with Crohn’s Disease in sustained steroid-free remission under combination therapy with infliximab and immunosuppressant.
- Looking at cost and safety issues
- A three-arm controlled trial comparing combination maintenance with infliximab withdrawal or with immunosuppressant withdrawal.
- Beside clinical efficacy end-points, the project is aiming to assess biomarker prediction, cost- effectiveness, and the perceptions of patients/health care providers/health authorities.
- Project implementation within supporting networks of BSG, CED, SOIBD and ECCO.GETAID