Guidelines for abstract submission

Abstracts that do not fulfil the guidelines listed below will not be reviewed by the Scientific Committee.


The authors should choose one topic only for every abstract submitted. If an abstract fits into more than one of the topics below, choose the most appropriate one.
Topic 1: Basic Science
Topic 2: Clinical: Diagnosis and Outcome
Topic 3: Clinical: Therapy and Observation
Topic 4: Epidemiology
Topic 5: Genetics
Topic 6: Microbiology

Additional topic - “Nurses abstracts”: Nurses may submit their scientific works in the category “Nurses abstracts”. Out of all submitted nurses abstracts, three abstracts will be selected for oral presentation during the 9th N-ECCO Network Meeting and a number of abstracts will be selected for poster presentation.

Abstract rules and regulations  

  • The submitter certifies to be an investigator with a substantial involvement in the study presented in the abstract and having the right to submit and present the study.
  • The submitter accepts responsibility for the accuracy and scientific content of the submitted abstract (please proofread the abstract carefully prior to submission!)
  • The submitter accepts to be the contact person for all correspondence about the abstract and to inform co-authors about its status.
  • The submitter confirms that all co-authors are aware of and agree to the content of the abstract and support the data presented. Furthermore, the submitter will be responsible for obtaining, and, upon request, providing proof that all authors have given permission for the submission of the abstract and agree on its content.
  • Statements such as “data will be presented” in the abstracts are likely to lead to rejection of the abstract.
  • Abstracts that include clinical trial data should follow the CONSORT statement.
  • Any financial interest in products or processes described in the abstract needs to be identified. The submitter is requested to tick the “Conflict of interest” box when submitting the abstract and to provide disclosure of interests and relationships through the abstract submission programme for each author. This includes stock ownership, membership on an advisory board or board of directors, corporate-sponsored research, or other substantive relationships.
  • When selected for presentation, the copyright of the abstract is released to ECCO and permission is given for the abstract to be published in the JCC Abstract Book 2015, as well as on the ECCO Website and possibly an ECCO mobile application.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a formal commitment by the author to present the abstract in the session and at the time decided upon by the ECCO Organising Committee. Any change in the presenting author needs to be communicated in the form of a written statement to the ECCO Scientific Committee. Failure to present the abstract for other than well-founded reasons will lead to rejection of abstracts submitted at the next ECCO Congress. The registration fees for the presenting author will not be waived.

Abstract format

  • Title: should be brief and in lower case except for acronyms, names, first letter and after colons. Please do not use commercial names, non-standard abbreviations or author names in the title.
  • Authors’ list: Please do not mention academic degrees.
  • Structure: Abstracts should be structured in the following four sections:
    • Background: indicates the purpose of the study
    • Methods: describe pertinent experimental procedures
    • Results: summarise the results of the research
    • Conclusion: states the main conclusions
  • Maximum length of 2750 characters (excl. title & author block, INCLUDING spaces). 
  • Content:
    • Please use UK spelling.
    • Please spell out Greek or scientific characters in use and insert these from the editor.
    • Abbreviations: may be used if standard or if spelled out and defined at the first use (put in parentheses immediately after the first mention of a term or phrase). Compounds should be mentioned with the generic name, in lower cases.
  • Abstracts may include tables, graphics and pictures (incl. in max. count of 2750 characters). Each file inserted into the abstract accounts for 200 characters.
  • The max. size of an image is 500kB.
  • In case of complex tables or heavy graphics, please seek help from Smart Abstract (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) minimum three working days in advance.