DOP29 Elevation of a novel blood-based gene signature in a severe Crohn’s disease (CD) subtype preceding surgery defines and predicts a post-surgical decrease in pro-inflammatory pathway activation

R. Gonsky1, P. Fleshner2, G. Botwin1, E. Biener-Ramanujan1, D. McGovern1, S. Targan1

1Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Inflammatory Bowel and Immunobiology Research Institute, Los Angeles, California, USA, 2Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Department of Surgery, Los Angeles, CA, USA


CD is defined by transmural inflammation leading to inflammatory, stricturing and/or penetrating phenotypes. Identifying underlying molecular pathways and distinct disease subsets is critical for improved prognostics, therapeutics and biomarker discovery.


CD3+ T cells were purified from paired blood and mucosal tissue from 101 CD and 17 non-IBD subjects requiring surgery. Longitudinal samples (n = 30) were collected 4–13 mo. post-surgery. Expression profiles were generated by RNAseq, T-cell subset deconvolution by xCell and transcriptome-wide associations (TWAS) using TWAS-hub.


Unsupervised clustering of peripheral T-cell gene expression at surgery revealed 2 CD profiles: Expression from cluster1, labelled CD-PBT (63%), clustered tightly with the non-IBD group. In cluster2, expression shifted from a peripheral toward a mucosal profile, labelled CD-PBmu(cosal) (37%). CD-PBmu was defined by differentially expressed genes (DEG) (1944 DEG, p < 0.001) regulating cell migration and adhesion pathways and a distinct T-cell subset composition associated with stricturing disease (p = 0.03), increased resected bowel length (p = 0.036) and post-op recurrence (p = 0.01). There were no significant differences in disease location/behaviour. Independent validation (5 public datasets) confirmed the CD-PBmu signature in data from whole blood (CD patients failing anti-TNF therapy, n = 204) and the mucosal-like expression profile in data from ileal tissue (paediatric CD patients, studies n = 751). A defining feature of CD-PBmu, validated in a separate CD cohort (n = 19), was decreased pro-inflammatory cytokine/chemokine and adhesion molecule expression following surgery (900 DEG, p < 0.001). No post-surgery change in expression was detected in CD-PBT. A 44-gene classifier was identified to enable clinical application. The classifier accurately detected the CD-PBmu patient subtype, correlated with the altered composition of peripheral T-cell subsets and overlapped with IBD associated TWAS signals (>60%). Recently, another group posed a blood-based 17 gene panel as predictive for aggressive IBD. These genes were not predictive for either the CD-PBmu or CD-PBT subtype (<50% DEG).


Severe CD can be stratified into 2 subtypes based on peripheral T-cell gene expression. Circulating T cells from CD-PBmu exhibit a mucosal-like gene signature, altered T-cell subset composition, clinical features of severity and decreased pro-inflammatory gene expression post-surgery. These findings hold potential to identify targets for CD subtype-specific therapeutic development. The 44-gene classifier overlapped with multiple paediatric CD datasets, suggesting the potential application of these findings for treatment stratification early in the disease process.