P252 Medication adherence in inflammatory bowel diseases in the era of biotherapies

Hassine, A.(1);Hammami, A.(1);Ben Ameur, W.(1);Dahmani, W.(1);Elleuch, N.(1);Ben Slama, A.(1);Braham, A.(1);Ksiaa, M.(1);Bannour, R.(2);Jaziri, H.(1);Jmaa, A.(1);

(1)Hôpital universitaire Sahloul, service de gastro-entérologie, Sousse, Tunisia;(2)Hôpital universitaire Sahloul, service de sécurité des soins, Sousse, Tunisia


Failure or poor adherence to therapy is a general problem ofpublic health, particularly common in chronic inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). In these pathologies, good compliance is, however, one of the keys to obtaining remission and in preventing relapses and complications. The objective of this study was to assess treatment compliance in our patients followed for IBD.


We conducted a single-center cross-sectional study, including all patients with IBD, who presented to our consultation during the three months preceding the study. We used the Morisky questionnaire to assess treatment adherence. This was considered low if the score is less than 6, medium if the score is between 6 and 8, and good if the score is equal to 8.


We collected 100 patients, average age of 42.18 ± 15.71 years and a sex ratio (M / F) = 1.5. Sixty eight patients (68%) had CD and thirty two patients (32%) had UC. The mean duration of IBD progression was 9.02 ± 6.57 years. Anoperineal lesions were present in 38.2% of cases. Fourteen patients (20.6%) followed for CD and ten patients (31.3%) with UC had severe disease activity. The history of surgical resection was noted in 18.75% of patients followed for UC and 47.05% of those followed for CD. Extensive ileal resection was noted in 6.5% of patients with CD. At the time of the study, 20% of patients were on systemic corticosteroid therapy, 22% on Azathioprine, 4% on Salazopyrine, 8% on 5-ASA and 46% on Anti-TNFα in combination therapy. The mean Morisky score was 6.78 ± 1.31. Adherence to treatment was poor in 42% of cases, average in 34% of cases, and good in 24% of cases. Good treatment adherence was observed in 34.78% of patients taking Anti-TNFα vs. 14.81% in other patients with no statistically significant difference (p = 0.077). Morisky score was correlated with age (p = 0.032, r = 0.38). In addition, no significant association was found, with the duration of evolution (p = 0.75), the existence of other chronic diseases (p = 0.3), the number of outbreaks of IBD (p = 0.52), and disease activity (p = 0.38 for CD, p = 0.22 for UC).


The overall rate of treatment non adherence in IBD patients was significant in our series. It concerns nearly one in two patients. Prescribing Anti-TNFα does not appear to improve compliance. The integration of therapeutic education into our therapeutic strategy should be an asset major in improving treatment adherence.