
ECCO Country Member Profiles: Hungary

Karoly Palatkak and Tamas Molnar, ECCO National Representatives, Hungary



Name of group: Hungarian Colon Section
Number of active members: 200
Number of meetings per year:
President and Secretary: Karoly Palatka (president), Klaudia Farkas (secretary)
National Representatives: Tamas Molnar, Karoly Palatka
Joined ECCO in: 2004
Incidence of IBD in the country (if available): 10/100,000

What has changed since your society became an ECCO Country Member?
We are now integrated in the ECCO Family, which has led to a higher level of IBD management.   

What are the benefits to you of being an ECCO Country Member?
Networking and developing relationships

Is your society making use of the ECCO Guidelines?
Yes, we are currently performing translations.

Have you developed links with other countries through your ECCO Country Membership? 

  • Have you developed research projects with other countries through your ECCO Country Membership?
  • Have you developed educational activities with other countries through your ECCO Country Membership?
  • Has your country been involved in a fellow exchange through ECCO?

What are your main areas of research interest?
IBD and biological therapy, biomarkers, T2T

Does your centre or country have a common IBD database or bio bank?
This is now in progress

What are your most prestigious/interesting past and ongoing projects?
Central, accredited, free IBD nurse education

Which ECCO Projects/Activities is the group currently involved in?
IBD national study groups and I-care

What are your aims for the future?
An obligatory IBD advanced course for gastroenterologist fellows before examination, dedicated IBD centres and an improved educational level in Central and Eastern European countries. On May 31 we are organising the first Central and Eastern European advanced IBD course with the participation of nine countries.

How do you see ECCO helping you to fulfil these aims?
ECCO will hopefully take steps to combat inequality across Europe and to define the concept of the IBD expert and IBD centre.

What do you use ECCO for? Network? Congress? How do you use the things/services that ECCO has to offer?
ECCO helps us to network and we make use of the ECCO Congress and Guidelines.

Posted in ECCO News, ECCO Country Member Profiles, Volume 14, Issue 1