
Report on the 12th N-ECCO School at ECCO'21

Ana Ibarra, N-ECCO Member

Ana Ibarra

Who would have thought that ECCO could so smoothly organise such a big conference online? This is the first year that the N-ECCO School has been held as a virtual conference. In reality, this meant less networking among participants but at the same time it provided an incredible opportunity for many more nurses and dietitians from different countries to attend this wonderful course, which provides so much information. In addition, access is being provided to all the presentations at a later date.


Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'21, N-ECCO, Volume 16, Issue 3


Report on the 15th N-ECCO Network Meeting at ECCO'21

Susanna Jäghult, N-ECCO Chair

Susanna Jäghult 

The 15th N-ECCO Network Meeting made history this year in being the first network meeting to be delivered virtually. Both the programme and its delivery were a great success. A total of 159 nurses joined the sessions and the virtual format made it easier for participants to ask questions.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'21, N-ECCO, Volume 16, Issue 3


Interview with N-ECCO National Representative Denmark


N-ECCO National Representative:
Anne Hindhede
Job Title: 
IBD Nurse


What influenced your decision to apply for the role of N-ECCO National Representative for your country?

I was working in IBD and I thought that it was important to improve the level of information and good clinical practice of my Danish colleagues. Also, Else Mikkelsen and Palle Bager asked me to join them.

What IBD nursing initiatives, N-ECCO network opportunities or developments in IBD care are happening in your country?

Else and I translated the N-ECCO Consensus Statements into Danish, which will help many nurses who do not read or speak English. I am Chair of the National Association for Gastroenterology Nurses; we have a yearly two-day meeting and one full day is dedicated to IBD. Unfortunately our meeting in 2020 was cancelled due to COVID-19.

Posted in ECCO News, N-ECCO, Volume 16, Issue 2


IBD Nurse Education Programme and survey on the impact of COVID-19 on IBD Nurses

Petra Hartmann & Wladyslawa Czuber-Dochan, N-ECCO Members

Petra Hartmann


Czuber Dochan

In these challenging times for all healthcare professionals, IBD Nurses continue to be an important part of the multidisciplinary team in managing patients with IBD. Many nurses have multiple roles and responsibilities and provide a variety of services. The exact extent and depth of care and services provided vary from country to country, depending on the education levels, the local requirements of the patients and the gastroenterology team, and the professional regulations in the individual county.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'22, N-ECCO, Volume 16, Issue 2


N-ECCO Opportunities at the 17th Congress of ECCO in 2022

Susanna Jäghult, N-ECCO Chair

Susanna Jäghult 


Following the summary of the ECCO'21 Educational Programme N-ECCO have prepared for you, we are very excited and looking already ahead to the ECCO'22 Congress.

After a year during which most of the focus has been on COVID-19 and most of our meetings have been digital, we can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel and look forward to meeting face to face again. Unfortunately, we need to wait a bit longer and the ECCO Congress will this year be a virtual meeting. We have arranged a lot of very interesting sessions and I hope you all will sign up. But we have also been very active in planning for the ECCO Congress in 2022, which, I am very proud and happy to say, will be held in Stockholm, my home town. I hope to see you all there!

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'22, N-ECCO, Volume 16, Issue 1


Interview with N-ECCO National Representative Portugal

Clarisse Nogueira Maia
© Clarisse Nogueira Maia

N-ECCO National Representative:
Clarisse Nogueira Maia
Job Title: 


What influenced your decision to apply for the role of N-ECCO National Representative for your country?

I have worked with IBD patients for a long time, delivering IV drug administration in an outpatient clinic.

What IBD nursing initiatives, N-ECCO network opportunities or developments in IBD care are happening in your country?

We have an annual meeting of the IBD Group to promote IBD in Portugal.

Posted in ECCO News, ECCO Country Member Profiles, N-ECCO, Volume 15, Issue 4


N-ECCO Opportunities at the 16th Congress of ECCO

Ana Ibarra, N-ECCO Member

Ana Ibarra 


Once again, N-ECCO is offering an outstanding range of clinical and educational opportunities for nurses attending the ECCO’21 Copenhagen Congress.

The programmes for each activity continue to be developed on the basis of the evaluation forms from the previous year in order to meet your needs. Thank you so much for providing your feedback, which helps us to improve all the N-ECCO Activities.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'21, N-ECCO, Volume 15, Issue 4


Interview with N-ECCO National Representative France

Virginie Cluzeau
© Virginie Cluzeau

N-ECCO National Representative:
Virginie Cluzeau
Job Title: 
Clinical research and patient education IBD Nurse


What influenced your decision to apply for the role of N-ECCO National Representative for your country?

The nurse that I replaced as French representative 4 years ago explained what the position involved. I was really interested to know how it works for nurses in other countries, and I thought that taking up this role could be useful in improving the position of IBD Nurses in France.

Posted in ECCO News, ECCO Country Member Profiles, N-ECCO, Volume 15, Issue 3


Submit your congress abstract and share your research and clinical developments

Susanna Jäghult, N-ECCO Chair, Wladzia Czuber-Dochan, N-ECCO Member

Susanna Jäghult

Wladzia Czuber-Dochan

We know that all nurses constantly strive to enhance the standard of patient care, and this is also true for IBD services. The best way for nurses to improve patient care is by developing their knowledge and skills and applying them in clinical practice. Many nurses are actively involved in research and practice innovation projects that aim to improve patient care and quality of life. We believe that it is important to share with all nurses the information gained from such projects. The new discoveries made in your own practice may also be beneficial for colleagues and patients in other countries. N-ECCO offers a great opportunity for you to share your work with others, and we would like to invite you to tell us about the important work that you are doing in your clinic.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, ECCO'21, N-ECCO, Volume 15, Issue 3


Call for Participants: The 12th N-ECCO School

At the 16th Congress of ECCO in Copenhagen, the Nurses of ECCO (N-ECCO) will host the educational activity for IBD Nurses, N-ECCO School, for the 12th time. ECCO intends to give nurses, who might be still in training and have an interest in IBD, the possibility to attend an IBD-focused course. The ultimate aim of this programme is to improve nurse education throughout Europe.

Posted in ECCO News, Congress News, ECCO'21, N-ECCO, Volume 15, Issue 3