
Introduction of new EpiCom Committee Members for 2023

Julien Kirchgesner, EpiCom Chair

Julien Kirchgesner

During the recent ECCO Congress in Copenhagen, EpiCom said goodbye to Valérie Pittet and Behrooz Z. Alizadeh while Kristine Allin and Iago Rodríguez-Lago were welcomed as new Committee Members. We thank Valérie and Behrooz for their dedication to ECCO and wish them huge success in their future academic activities.

Kristine Allin

Kristine Allin is a Partner and Associate Professor at the National Center of Excellence for Molecular Prediction of Inflammatory Bowel Disease, PREDICT, Copenhagen, Denmark. Based on a nationwide register data and population-based cohorts, she investigates risk factors driving IBD development and progression with a specific focus on microbiome-related factors and cardiometabolic comorbidity. Kristine has a PhD in clinical and genetic epidemiology and is a Board Member of the Danish Society for Pharmacoepidemiology. As a medical doctor with more than ten years of experience in clinical epidemiology, she is committed to the mission of EpiCom.

Iago Rodríguez-Lago

Iago Rodríguez-Lago is a gastroenterologist and clinical researcher from Bilbao, Spain. He is actively involved in research and leads multicentre studies within GETECCU and its ENEIDA registry. His PhD focused on preclinical IBD and he is now the principal investigator of the EARLY cohort, which will address this topic through a multidisciplinary and multi-omic approach. Iago has been a member of the Governing Board of GETECCU since 2017 and in the meantime has also been engaged with UEG through its Young Talent Group and as a member of both the National Societies Committee and the Quality of Care Committee.

With these new members, clinical and methodological knowledge remains well represented on EpiCom. Their expertise will be of great value for all EpiCom Initiatives.

Posted in ECCO News, Committee News, EpiCom, Volume 18, Issue 2